Laura with some of the Kindergardeners who always run up, give us hugs, and ask if we´re coming to their class today. We love them!

Roasting Cui...Guinea Pig

Kari, Cui foot, Cui head, Laura

Helping with a drama for the Dia de la Familia...Miguel Angel (one of the English teachers), Kari, Grace, Carina, and Michelle...we´ve had so much fun working with this group!

Mona Lisa!!! Soooo cute! And yes, she is eating a grasshopper.

She likes to sit in our hoodies. She went on the hike through the river in Laura´s and rode home in Kari´s

HAHAHAH! We love this picture! Jessica is trying to hypnotize the chicken and we´re not really sure what Laura was doing to the cat.

One of the women we visited in Nabon, Teresa, and Jessica. Please pray for Teresa! She needs encouragment and relief from pain!

lol...another favorite! Ruth is dressed up as a Cholo and Laura is wearing the authentic Chola outfit that Jessica bought. We all took turns dressing up and learing how to dance Cholo-style.

We went to the Bible Camp that Ruth used to live at and had a fun time chasing llamas. Almost caught the baby too!

Our mode of transportation when we went up the mountain with the Lackey´s! It was SO much fun! Way better than any rollercoaster! :-D You can see the city of Cuenca in the background.
me gustan mucho las fotos!!
Is that really you roasting the little piggie? What has happened to my Kari????
Oh my goodness I love the pictures! (Well, I could do without the piggieroast picture I think! They must have bribed Kari with pickles for that one!). :) It looks like you were having fun and I can hardly wait to hear all about your adventures! :) God bless you!
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