y hermano Christian

We had a total of 4 flights, about 40 hours of travel, and 20 hours of layover in New York City!
We took a bus to Newerk Penn Station, a train into NYC, grabbed a map and started walking! We are both wearing our Ecuadorian jerseys so we wouldn't loose each other. :-)

Our first time on the Subway! Exciting!

We took the Subway to the World Trade Center

Park Place and Broadway...Monopoly, anyone?

At a park in NYC...this park was used in the movie Hitch! Very pretty! The lanters are even lit with fire!
And thus ends our updates from our Ecuadorian trip! It's almost been three weeks since we left, and I can hardly believe how fast it's gone! We still miss everyone and I would still return at any time if God so lead. Our trip was incredible and we saw God's work in so many different ways! One of the biggest things I learned was that God's divine appointments often don't come when I expect them to, which is really pretty cool. Be available always and keep your eyes open for opportunities that God wants to use! If He can use our little Ayayayay song, He can use anything!
Again, thank you so much for your prayers while we were gone! I'm sure we'll have more blogs like this one in the future! I wonder where God will take us next? I'm excited to find out!
Dios te bendiga!
Jesus te ama!
Hasta luego!